Mid Year Check Up ~ 1 July 2021

So, how’s this 2021 thing working out for you? Satisfied with the year’s accomplishments so far? Check. Fully committed to gaining the most benefit possible from the transits remaining this year? Check. Plans for personal evolution, emotional fulfillment and spiritual growth well on their way to completion? Check.


Let’s review a few things that lie ahead in 2021 to ensure maximum personal, profession and evolutionary gain. While these are collective pivots, knowing your transits and contrasting them to the collective is how one might achieve the best gains.


Currently Saturn, retrograde in Aquarius, sextiles Chiron in Aries, now direct in motion. This pattern repeats on 26 November with Saturn direct and Chiron retrograde. Here now and enduring in play through most of the year stands the archetype of a son to his father, or to spread the aspect into greater diversity, the aspiring youthful spirit to the disapproving authority figure(s) in life, no matter how either of those archetypes might best be perceived. Both Saturn and Chiron stand in headstrong signs that begin with the letter “A.” Easy to stomp the foot and dig in... not as easy to move forward.


The grease between these bodies in space occurs through the ease of the sextile. Saturn points out to Chiron, the position where one stands and a worthy notation as to whether that location is consistent with stated goals and objectives. Saturn emphasizes that this is “now” achieved upon what occurred in the past. Saturn further explains that if current status does not match up with Chiron’s expectations, what can be done about it?


Exactly. Saturn and Chiron collaborate to ask, “What are you going to do, given where you are?” Cooperatively, they emphasize that if one seeks to overcome the limits of the pandemic and the mess that may have been last year, the balance of this year must move forward without expectations of previously encountered limitations and resistance hampering the path forward. Sure obstacles might pop up. Considering that the freedom of consciousness happening now is not even remotely the same as what happened before, room for more viable, progressive and unexpectedly positive outcomes exist within the current realm of possibilities.


Soon, as in 19 August, Uranus in Taurus retrogrades. This natural annual event for the highly inclined planet implies no required setback. Simply, it’s a time of reviewing test results. Let’s say a new device, software or innovation was installed in some system during the time from which Uranus first entered Taurus. It’s time to assess the empirical real world data. Are the results consistent with the progress expected with the new implementation? If not, what adjustments more perfectly serve those original objectives? Speaking of original objectives, how have those aspirations shifted during the course of the new implementation? One other idea here for the mix: Uranus in retrograde rules reverse engineering. See if such methods of problems solving offer constructive solutions.


Saturn turns direct on 10 October in early Aquarius. All the roadblocks previously thrown in the path appear to loose momentum. Antagonists might realize that opposition to protagonists stands in conflict with personal aspirations and abandon the fight. Out there, collective realizations accumulate on a daily basis and compile into consciousness. What may have seemed like a defined doctrine and absolute certainly for reality yesterday might feel like a destructive dogma today. In reality, personal objectives become more important than offering any resistance to progress and growth. Bottom line, is the situation at hand good for you? If so, go with it. Have you prevailed in making your point? Then stop, already. There is a hint that in the months ahead, all entertained efforts must fit the perception of not only what is good for the individual, but what is good for the individual engaged in the social and mundane structure of a planet orbiting a somewhat average star.


Jupiter in Aquarius turns direct on 17 October. This may feel that those aspirations from before actually do stand a chance of happening. Might there yet be hope for what was intended in this year? Totally true. While it appears the thermometer of completion seemed stuck at about half, suddenly a surge occurs. Abundant flow overturns inertia and suddenly results seemingly stream from nowhere, providing energy and momentum to those prepared. Be ready for this time. Maybe take some contemplative moments between now and then to stockpile the energy required to deal with such an influx of opportunity. It could happen. If it does, be ready. Overwhelm is one thing, having the soulful resources to respond to moments of opulent opportunity is another.


As the year wanes, Jupiter and Saturn each offer another boost to success and fulfillment.


Saturn, direct, squares Uranus in Taurus, retrograde, on 24 December. For those seeking a long-lasting amazing holiday gift, this is that time. This is a “necessity is the mother of invention” interval of inspiration. Didn’t get what you want? Give it to yourself. Such is certainly consistent with Chiron in Aries and is consistent with problem-solving innovations. Need to make some fixes on the results of this year before next year commences? No problem. If you do not have time to complete the results, at least plot out everything that ensures successful delivery of said results. Follow that outline with diligence and dedication. There will be end of the year rushes, fixes, snafus to unsnafu and important priorities that must be resolved in the moment. Be ready to accept such responsibilities and innovate with creative abandon. That energy is in the air and combines with holiday incense. Funny when you realize a new way to put the final touches on holiday decoration, it’s worth noting that now you innovated a change, but only after the realization of an improved need came to your attention. Realization of circumstance precedes the most incredible inventive spirit.


Visions of sugarplums accompany the close of the year as Jupiter sloshes into Pisces on 28 December. The desire to be unlimited in pursuit of creativity that is in place right now with Jupiter retrograding in Pisces returns and next time with unlimited throttle, full bore and seeking to function without bounds. The year ends on an “I’ve always wanted to...” fill in the blank with your most notable desire for creative manifestation. From “learn the piano” to “write the great American novel” to “inspire the spirits of all those downtrodden” this is the time when the psychic surge titillates spiritual motivation into full bore “let’s get on with this!” Ride this wave. April of 2022 renders unto us all a Jupiter to Neptune conjunction in Pisces. Can you even begin to imagine how awesome that will be? Well, then, start imagining.

More soon.